Install google assistant on chromebook
Install google assistant on chromebook

Lastly, and perhaps most exciting, is the work being done on a context-aware Assistant built into Chrome OS. It is a fundamental shift in how Google is positioning Chromebooks and how they will market them down the line. Time will tell, but it at least seems certain that we will have a physical key at least on the keyboard at this point. Where it will be on the device is still unclear, but a side-mounted button would make the most sense with convertibles, detachable and tablets soon entering the market. Where we were a bit uncertain still in the reality of a physical key, this new evidence certainly looks to concrete the idea that ‘Eve’ will have a physical Assistant Key. Now, I had to look around a bit, but this language is only used when talking about physical keys, not virtual (on-screen) ones.

install google assistant on chromebook

We will update with the correct user code if and when we get it allocated. The assistant key is not defined in USB HID usage tables (yet?), so we use the first available usage from the “Non-USB” range: 0xx000017. What this tells us is Google Assistant looks to be able to function apart from any Android interaction from the get-go. In this quote, PAI is ‘Play Auto Install’ and will not be initiated until the Voice Interaction pieces are all in place and working. Simulate caroline environment and PAI works as expected. Once Voice Interaction is done or skipped. In it, we see some very clear language pointing to the fact that Voice Interaction will function before anything Play Store related gets initiated. However, it is looking more and more like Assistant on Chrome OS won’t be Android-dependent.

install google assistant on chromebook

I don’t really want to see that either, but certain functions may end up needing Android to work, and that just may be part of the future of the OS. Most Chromebook users don’t want new features dependent on Android, and I get it.


Some grumbling happened last week when we reported that the latest APK teardown of the Google App on Android had language about an Assistant button on Chromebooks.

Install google assistant on chromebook